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Budgeting in the holidays

Budgeting in the holidays

No one wants to blow all their savings on one summer holiday, so here’s how to budget and spend wisely this summer break.

Holiday funds:

It is useful to set aside some holiday funds! On top of separating money from your savings, allocate money from each pay towards your holiday funds too. This will help you set a budget and keep track of it to organise pricy things like accommodation or activities.

Track your spending:

This isn’t so you regret how much you’ve spent, but to find out if you are spending too much on certain things. Such as buying a $3.00 water bottle every day, when you could buy a supermarket pack for less than $5.00. Spend more on your experiences and memories!

Plan out meals:

If you are planning to travel, it wouldn’t hurt to plan out your meals. Eating out can get expensive in comparison to doing small shop for essentials and snacks. So, do a week’s worth of grocery shopping and save your money for classy restaurants or that activity you really want to do!

Free, free, free!

Whether it’s in an email or coupon, there are plenty of discounts and free activities around us. Even if it might not seem like something you’re interested in, give it a chance and try it out. Instead of paying full price for something similar, take the cheaper option and make the same great memories!

Don’t leave credits behind:

Make sure you spend only what you have. It may seem like a lot to pay everything upfront and during the trip, but it will seem like a whole lot more if you are still paying for it two weeks after your break is over!

Summer break is the time to relax and make memories. Budgeting can help make your summer more enjoyable without leaving a huge scar on your bank account.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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