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Studying online as a new mum

Studying online as a new mum


Are you a mum studying online? Finding your study groove can be a bit of struggle, so why not take a break and read Dipti’s advice to help you through this transition.

Written by Dipti Mahabal

Hello Study Mums!

I am a mum of a 2 years old toddler studying an online Master’s degree with a specialisation in Librarianship.

Being a new mum is not easy. I wanted to share my experience to all the mums out there and share love and positive vibes for your study journey.

Charlie contributor Dipti Mahabal.

The word ‘study’ has 5 super powers that has helped me to keep going forward.

S – ‘Sleep’ has always been my top most priority when looking after myself. As a mum, I have been going through lots of sleepless nights or very less sleep.

So, my mantra has been ‘take naps when tired.’ 

Whenever I was able to get a ‘descent’ amount of sleep, I was productive and positive.

My brain was able to give me ideas and I was able to function better. I was able to focus and study in an organised way.

As they say every drop in the ocean counts. For me every little nap counted.

Time – Give TIME to yourself.

Give yourself time to go get that cup of coffee!

We all have the same number of hours. Yes, but we do have different lifestyle, priorities, and responsibilities. I greatly appreciated the thought of having ME time.

Then it could be anything that makes you happy and de-stressed!

Quality is all that matters. This could be in any form such as enjoying a cuppa, listening to your favourite tune, or just napping for a few minutes or even doing NOTHING.

It’s your time and trust me it will make you happy.

Dipti spending some quality time with mother nature.

University degree – Picture yourself holding your ‘UNIVERSITY’ Degree!

How cool is that, right?

As long as you are doing your best and moving forward, that’s all that matters.

The grades do matter. But again, it is an individual choice. Aim high. Do not stress if you cannot make a ‘distinction.’ A ‘Pass’ is still an achievement in itself!

Keep your teacher informed of any changes in your situation and ask for an extension, if needed. I have done it so many times and still do it whenever I had an emotional breakdown or struggled to keep up with my studies.

They are here to help you in your study journey.

Dipti’s current read.

D – Just DO it!

For me, some days it has been incredibly hard and I doubted myself thinking I am just not going to make it.

I did start my studies doing two subjects per semester. It was very difficult with a little baby, new motherhood challenges, balancing housework. I decided to change to one subject per semester.

This gave me some breathing space.  I didn’t have to do two assignments that were due the same time!

Yes, doing two subjects is an achievement as you are one step ahead. But one subject is progress too. Trust your instincts and know your limits!

Dipti’s study space.

Y – Believe in YOURSELF.

YOU are the BEST!

We all need someone to tell us this, right? So why not start from you?

Tell yourself every morning or anytime whenever you feel low. Write it down or hang it on the wall.

Do whatever it takes to remind yourself. Think of all the achievements you have so far, despite all the challenges you faced.

Speak to someone who knows you very well. It could be a friend, a family member or even your work mate whom you admire.

I have done this and I still do it and they always bring the best out of me. 😊

If I can do it, you can too!

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