Written by Michelle Curry
“Hey Shell, can I talk to you for a minute, I need your help?”.
I have been asked this question more times than I can remember since starting at Charles Sturt University. I am a big believer that there is always someone with the answer, it is all about finding the right person to help.
I first joined the Bathurst Student Representative Council (SRC) at the end of 2021 to be a voice for the mature-age student. I am a student who is never afraid to speak up and to have my fellow peer’s voices heard. The SRC is elected by fellow students and acts as an advocate for the student body. Members live on and away from campus and come from a variety of different backgrounds, making it a wonderful group of students to collaborate with. We organise activities, fund scholarships, host events, and are the voices for every student that attends our campus.

Being part of the SRC is a great opportunity to build your friendship network and gain new skills by stepping outside your comfort zone in a supportive environment. Let’s be honest, there have been times when I have been in tears as sometimes even with the best intentions things don’t always go to plan, but we have the incredible Alex (Student representation and clubs officer) to go to for advice and support.
We meet fortnightly in person or via zoom and are a strong student voice within the university. If you can spare a few hours each week we would love to have you on board as many hands make light work. Being part of the SRC, allows you to work as part of a team, help develop public speaking skills, express your views, and learn more about the facilities and departments within the university.

The Bathurst SRC launched our new logo at the beginning of this year which was created by a one of our students. We have hosted: Ball Park music, a petting zoo for mental health day, 80’s prom, dag night, Reconciliation week activities, Easter egg hunts, free coffees, free meals, and many other giveaways. Upcoming events we have planned for the rest of the year is Betty Confetti drag queen bingo and The Vanns performing on the 22nd of July at Rafters.

I have hosted a mature-age student meet and greet which was a great opportunity to meet other students also juggling family and university life. I believe that all students should be able to benefit from our “freebie” events no matter what days they attend campus, and currently in the process of a fuel voucher competition, as students have raised concerns, that they are skipping classes due to the cost of travelling to campus.
The best thing about being in the SRC is the friendships I have made both in person and online via my role as student senate representative. I have developed many skills that will be beneficial in my future career and have wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.