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Tag: tips

It's OK not to be ok - what to do when you are feeling overwhlemed

It’s OK to not be OK

It’s no secret that studying can feel daunting and overwhelming, especially if you weren’t quite expecting the mental toll. These feelings can often peak when the pressures of family and work are added on top of study, or when a major...

Have you had an adventure these holidays?

As students, we have a lot of opportunities to get out and about during our long summer breaks! Even though the couch is so comfy and the pizza tastes so good, its sometimes nice to explore amongst nature. Everyone loves a hike or a sunset beach...

Why should you be mindful?

Mindfulness means awareness. It is to be conscious, present and attentive in a moment or situation. Being mindful helps reduce stress, anxiety and frustration (AKA our daily struggles as Uni students). In turn, it can also boost intelligence...

Haven’t enrolled yet? Here’s what you can do

Not sure how to enrol or haven’t decided what to do this session? Then here’s what you can do! Here are our tips to help you get on top of your enrolment for 2019 now: Choose your subjects You might have to pick a major, minor and...

Networking for introverts

Networking is an important career-building skill but some find it easier than others. If you’re an introvert and are changing careers or just starting out, here are some tips to give you more confidence:  #1 You are probably already networking...

Travel tips for International Students

Moving countries can be very overwhelming, especially coming to a country as large as Australia. It can take a long time to travel around the place, so here are some key travel tips to help you during your stay at a CSU campus! 1. Know where you...

Budgeting in the holidays

No one wants to blow all their savings on one summer holiday, so here’s how to budget and spend wisely this summer break. Holiday funds: It is useful to set aside some holiday funds! On top of separating money from your savings, allocate money from...

Keep your brain sharp over summer

by Jenna Verhoeven If you’re lucky enough to have no classes over summer, don’t go putting your brain into hibernation just yet! It may end up being harder to return to study in Session 1, so here’s how you can keep your brain...

How to return home after your first year away

by Jenna Verhoeven It might feel as though it was yesterday you were starting a new chapter in your life. You were moving into your dorm on Res and wondering how you would do laundry, how you would feed yourself and where the nearest gym was. Fast...

It’s time to leave the nest

It’s to some bird’s advantage to leave their nest before they can even fly. While this blog isn’t about birds, it is a perfect analogy for the daunting task of moving out of home for the first time. While the lead up to moving away...

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