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Tag: support

Get involved this National Recycling Week

National Recycling Week is also the chance to take a look at things such as food waste in your household, especially considering each year Australians waste around 7.6 million tonnes of food across supply and consumption.

What to do when you fail a subject?

Grades are not always an accurate record of academic ability. Nikki's advice to anyone who fails a subject is to be kind to yourself and ask for help if you need it. There is no shame in failing.

Clean out, move out and donate

With summer just around the corner I realised I probably needed to start fresh and get rid of things that are just gathering dust.

A farewell letter from the editor

I personally love using the wisdom and experiences of others to better my own. So before I forfeit my life, on-campus routine and roles at Charles Sturt University, I want to relay some significant moments from my time at uni.

Budding educators celebrate National Teacher’s Day

Thank you to all the teachers who inspire me, and mentor me on my journey to be a teacher. Because my teachers and lecturers at Charles Sturt university believed in me, I never gave up on my dream. I will always be grateful for your encouragement...

Meet online nursing student, Bronte Mullins

For everyone studying, being able to manage stress levels and fit exercise into your study schedule is so important. I would highly recommend pilates to help with stress and energy levels.

What to expect at Session 3 Orientation

Session 3 Orientation will create an amazing opportunity for you to leap into the session with confidence and a smile. I wonder who is going to paint the best beachscape, what everyone will be up to with the Goosechase, and how many confused faces...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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