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Tag: study

Minimalist life hacks

Being a minimalist means cutting back on the hustle, bustle and unnecessary noise of life to bring things back to basics and bare necessities. There are a few easy ways to help you make this adjustment in your lifestyle as a student. You might even...

Minimalist study hacks

The middle of semester can feel like you’re just being handed one thing after the other on top of lectures, tutorials and reading lists. Throw in a part time job and a fraction of a social life, and watch your free time disappear… or try...

Five tips to pass the national teaching tests

by Annette Benson Have you just started a teacher education course and heard people talk about ‘LANTITE?’ This is the Australian Government’s Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students (LANTITE). To become a...

CSU Access and Disability Services

CSU Access and Disability Services

by Amy Carlon Did you know that CSU provides Access and Disability Services for students with a disability? Whether you are an on campus or online student, CSU can provide support and help minimise the impact of disability on your studies. I myself...

Studying when time isn’t on your side

The world we live in is increasingly fast-paced and we are all time poor. Here’s your fast-tracked guide to getting the most out of your day: Bite-sized chunks. Study in bite-sized chunks, for example short 10 or 20 minute bursts throughout...

Tackling the challenges of online study

Online studying. Where’s the subject teaching us how to do that? There’s no manual, no textbook and no specific way to do it. Over the past 10 years, two-and-a-half online degrees later, I have learnt that there some hard hurdles to overcome in...

Start volunteering in your industry

Albert Einstein once said, “Only a life lived for others is worth living.” If you have ever volunteered, you will understand exactly what he meant! While there is no monetary reward in volunteering, we are rewarded in the sense of helping others and...

It's OK not to be ok - what to do when you are feeling overwhlemed

It’s OK to not be OK

It’s no secret that studying can feel daunting and overwhelming, especially if you weren’t quite expecting the mental toll. These feelings can often peak when the pressures of family and work are added on top of study, or when a major...

Summer safety tips

If you are an international student who is starting or continuing your student journey at CSU, we’ve put together some top tips to help you look after yourself and have the best time whilst studying in Australia. 1. Sun Safety:  Wear sunscreen...

Haven’t enrolled yet? Here’s what you can do

Not sure how to enrol or haven’t decided what to do this session? Then here’s what you can do! Here are our tips to help you get on top of your enrolment for 2019 now: Choose your subjects You might have to pick a major, minor and...

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