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Tag: stress

Easy meals for on-campus living

Easy meals for on-campus living

Living on-campus can be a stressful time; sometimes the pressure of having multiple assignments due at once, internships, sport and social events can be enough to cause a bit of a meltdown! To make your nights a bit easier and take one extra thing...

The importance of self-care

It’s that time of year when you’re starting to feel the pressure of assessments and events, one after the other. Among all the university hype, it is important to take time out for yourself to refresh, relax and get into a focused mental state...

Lifestyle tips from successful people

You know those people who seem to have their life together: they’re organised, proactive, fit and happy but somehow also manage to include down time in their busy schedule? We tend to be jealous of these rare kinds of people because they do...

My uni bucket list

A bucket list is a list of things you aspire to do before a period of time. A bucket list can include anything you want to do before that time-frame runs out. From travel to tattoos, books you want to read or weight you want to lose. Check out my...

My study playlist

New year, new study method! Contrary to popular belief, studying in complete silence isn’t actually the best way to focus and memorise study content. However, it does depend on the music and the student. There are certain sounds and genres of...

How do I fit study into my family

  Study can easily get squeezed out of your day as a parent or carer. You constantly have different demands on your time and someone always needing your attention. Tying to fit study in to the changeable needs of your family can be a challenge...

What to do if you failed a subject

  With the new year around the corner, you may be looking to shift your study motivation. If a subject didn’t work out for you this year, here’s what you can do to bounce back and turn the tables. Step 1 | Don’t panic...

6 ways to cure Mondayitis

  Monday – the inevitable day we dread every Sunday, counting down the hours, minutes and seconds in hope of preventing its arrival. Unfortunately, it’ll never go away! So, implementing small changes into your daily routine is essential...

How to survive a busy day at uni

Coming up to exams and during assessment periods at university, you can find yourself becoming very busy.  To avoid burning yourself out, here is how you can manage busy days effectively. 1. Remember it won’t last forever Whether you set up a...

11 ways to beat overwhelm

Are you sick of feeling frazzled, stressed and anxious? Whether it’s caused by study, work, family or even ourselves, feeling overwhelmed is never welcome. So, here is my go-to list for when you’re under pressure and need some serenity...

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