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Tag: professional development

Why you should become the next Charlie Editor

Our current Editor is graduating! We need a new Charlie Editor and that could be you! If you love all things #UniLife and want to share student stories that will help others have the best uni experience possible... this might just be your vibe. We...

Building your professional profile

Join the ‘Uni Connections’ mentoring program

It’s never too early to start thinking about your future!  The Uni Connections mentoring program will give you the opportunity to build your peer and professional networks, develop your employability skills and enhance your job readiness...

medical professional in background with assortment of fruits in the foreground

5 networking opportunities for nursing students

by Jordon Hadfield When you are at uni, there are always opportunities to network with people within your industry. If you are a Nursing student, networking can go a long way when looking for the career path you want to follow. Here are five of the...

Professionalism 101

The end of your university path is near and you’re starting to get a bit nervous about reaching that dream job of yours… if there’s one thing that will set you apart and make you feel confident, its professionalism. Below summarises the idea of...

Graduate opportunities in the Public Service

Congratulations, you have almost reached the end of your time at Charles Sturt University and with graduation coming up, now is the best time to be looking for opportunities after you graduate. If you are looking for employment in the NSW Public...

5 ways to build your personal brand

Today, nearly every individual has a personal brand – whether cultivated or not – and it’s what makes many people stand out from the crowd. The concept of promoting yourself to a group of people may seem foreign and scary – but it could be the thing...

My CSU Global experience: Berlin

A few months ago, I took a took a flight to Germany to take part in the Pictoplasma academy Character Design masterclass with thirty-five other participants from around the world. With a CSU global Independent program, I shaped a short-term program...

Think twice about posting that

by Penny Gleeson Have you ever thought twice about putting something up on social media? Maybe you’ve done the classic ‘review and delete’ of last night’s antics or perhaps someone has called you out on what they’ve seen from you online...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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