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Tag: online

How to revise for exams

Don’t quite know what to cover in your revision? Just skim over your subject materials before exams and then can’t remember anything? Here’s how to revise for your exams, take notes and improve your memory: 1. What’s in the...

How to make a balanced exam study plan

Have you left your exam prep to the last minute? Do you normally cram in the last few days, panic on the day and forget half your notes? If you answered yes to any of the above, you may need a new study plan! Here’s what I learnt about getting...

What kind of online student are you?

What kind of online student are you?

by Amy Carlon Online learning is a reality for many students but the real question is… are you the at-home teacher or the proclaimed procrastinator? Find out which one you fall under! Time I know from experience, how much effort goes into...

How to survive your final term

by Penny Gleeson Final semester- so much to unpack (and if you’ve been living on-campus, so much to pack!) You may be feeling overwhelmed with massive final projects and the “So, what’s next?” question every adult can’t help but ask. Even if...

How to connect with your classmates online

How to connect with your classmates online

by Amy Carlon Do you find it hard to build relationships with other people in your course online? Not being face-to-face or on-campus may make it difficult to connect, but don’t let that stop you! Here are my top three ways to better connect...

Tips for studying during the mid-sem break

by Loren Howarth The mid-semester break is the perfect opportunity to play catch-up, get ahead and focus on assessments while there are no Uni classes. But it can be hard to sit down and get started, especially since it is so tempting to sit back...

Be happy with tech

Never lose your work again!

Have you ever been in the situation where you have lost your USB drive? Or had your computer freeze up or die on you right when you needed it? Or would you like the flexibility of accessing your files anywhere? The Cloud is just what you need to...

Characteristics of a great student leader

Leaders aren’t born, they are made. Being at university has the potential to open so many opportunities. There are sports teams, class and course opportunities and of course all the different student organisations available on campus that you can...

How you can improve your leadership skills

By Christopher Morris, STRIVE participant. STRIVE is a CSU leadership program that helps student leaders develop their leadership skills. Read on for my experience of the course: What led you to STRIVE? When I first heard of STRIVE, I thought it...

woman on phone

Study smart with your smartphone

Most people have one – a smartphone. You probably use it to send messages, make calls, take pictures, send email, browse social media, and spend hours on those annoyingly addictive games. It’s time to start using your phone smarter, convert...

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