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Tag: life

Get ahead in the mid-year break

Next session is around the corner, so now’s the time to do everything you can to save yourself from starting off stresses and overwhelmed. Check out how you can get ahead now: 1. Plan ahead Get a head start now by marking your calendar with all of...

How to survive travelling on a budget

Reaching the end of your degree and looking for a dream getaway adventure? More often than not, the thing that holds individuals back from pursuing their desire to travel is money. This how-to guide will give you the reassurance that travelling on a...

How to deal with the mid-year slump

The break you have been waiting for is finally here! We all reach a point of wondering what we should do next. So, here are ways you can spend your semester break: Be a tourist again – If you want to have fun without spending too much money...

Top tips to plan your timetable!

by Scarlett Hurst and Charize Santiago Timetables are out and we are getting closer to the first day of Session 2! You may be feeling excited about starting but nervous about how to fit study into your busy life schedule. Well, with our top tips you...

Winter warmers on a budget

With the cooler weather well and truly upon us, there is nothing better than a big bowl of comfort food after a day’s study. Soups, casseroles and pasta dishes become a winter staple and the best bit is, they are not only good for your soul but also...

11 ways to beat overwhelm

Are you sick of feeling frazzled, stressed and anxious? Whether it’s caused by study, work, family or even ourselves, feeling overwhelmed is never welcome. So, here is my go-to list for when you’re under pressure and need some serenity...

TED Talks to boost your motivation

Once the initial shine and glamour of being at Uni wears off, we are often left feeling unmotivated and uninspired to study. Towards the end of session the coffee mugs get stained, the morning alarms get louder and the headaches start setting in...

Have a break, do it right

Is it seriously the end of the first term already? Yes and if you think that the other terms aren’t going to go as quickly, then you’ve got another thing coming! Mid-session break is all about rest, recovery and a whole lot of preparation. Firstly...

6 ways to soak up the heat before it goes

It’s that weird time of year where you’re never sure how to dress for the day. So, here’s how you can make the most of these last sunny days before they disappear on you! 1. Moon-lit walk With the moon coming up earlier in the...

Studying when time isn’t on your side

The world we live in is increasingly fast-paced and we are all time poor. Here’s your fast-tracked guide to getting the most out of your day: Bite-sized chunks. Study in bite-sized chunks, for example short 10 or 20 minute bursts throughout...

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