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Residential Support Interns 2023

Learn all about how you can seek support from your 2023 Resident Support Interns and get their best tips to settling in on-campus.

Making the switch to a new university

Shannon Doolan recently made the decision to switch universities and complete further studies here at Charles Sturt. She talks about reasons, fears, and gives us tips on preparing for change.

Studying education: expectations vs reality

Currently studying in her fourth year of a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood & Primary), Greta Porter shares how her expectations have measured against the realities of her study journey.

5 tips on beating homesickness like a champ

Moving out of home can be daunting, and let's admit it, we all get a little homesick sometimes. Teagan Smith has experienced it all before and shares her 5 tips on beating homesickness like a champ.

How to overcome end of holiday blues

Sometimes, coming back to uni after holidays can get you down in the dumps. After travelling around Europe these holidays, Greta Porter knows exactly how you feel - and let's us know how you can overcome end-of-holiday blues.

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