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Tag: career

World Radiography Day

''Undertaking my degree has allowed me to grow in all areas of my life and I found such a love for knowledge, and I cannot think of a better industry to be in that requires us to constantly be developing our capabilities and evolving as better...

Having a plan B for life (and still loving it)

Written by Joel Sheasby In May of 2019 I was rejected from all the universities I applied to in Canada. My chances of starting my studies to become a dentist in the upcoming academic year were gone. I could apply again next year, but realistically...

Meet Charlie contributor, Emily Francis

Written by Emily Francis I am one of those lucky people that have a passion for something and have been given the opportunity to turn that passion into a career. From around the ages of 3–16, I immersed myself in any form of storytelling I could...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
Write for Charlie Graphic