Do you like sport, socialising and holidays? Uni Nationals allows you to travel the country with some of your best mates, playing a sport that you love. Read about why Zoe joined the Charles Sturt Football team below!
Charlie New is the Red Runner for CSU in Bathurst and he’s passionate about making exercise an integral part of daily life. Here he shares how and why he’s always on a mission to be #BetterInRed. — For a long time now, regular exercise has...
Sarah Dotta is the Red Runner for CSU in Albury-Wodonga. Sarah is getting people together to get fit, active and have fun for the #BetterInRed challenge. Three weeks in and she thinks they’ve cracked some great new habits in Albury-Wodonga and given...
We all like to think we’re on top of things, but chances are that sometimes being a uni student will be stressful. You might be trying to balance your social life, class schedule and part-time job, or you could be an online student trying to juggle...
Join us for parkrun at the end of the #BetterInRed challenge! On Saturday, 29 April CSU staff will be volunteering at parkrun in almost all of our campus locations. Dress up, have fun and conquer the five kilometre goal at your own pace! You could...
Wes Boney is the Wagga Wagga campus’ very own Red Runner and he’s taken to the #BetterInRed challenge like a duck to water. His call to action is – be bold, stand tall and get out there and try! Here are his reflections on the past four weeks...
One of the most important yet hardest things to do whilst studying is eating healthy. Going out every uni night plus weekends can be really hard on your body, and it’s okay to do this in moderation – we all want to live the uni life for a...