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How I Found My Part-Time Job at Uni

How I Found My Part-Time Job at Uni


Wanting to find a part-time job that suits your uni lifestyle and future career? Shristi N shares how she managed to find the perfect job that fits in with her busy uni schedule and helps her understand her career values.

Written by Shristi N

Finding a part-time job whilst at university has been life changing. I have definitely had my fair share of troubles trying to balance work and study but now it is all smooth sailing.

Regardless of the balancing issues, I know it was one of the best things I can do for myself. Here is how I went about finding my ideal part-time job, how closely my current job is linked to my course, and how it helps me progress towards my future career plans.

My Searching Process

I currently study a Bachelor of Pharmacy and have no prior experience in the pharmacy industry. This and the fact that I am constantly between university and my hometown, I struggled to find a job in a pharmacy.

You quite literally always have to be on the search for a potential job:

  • Networking:
    I started by talking to my lecturers to see if they knew of any potential job openings. I even talked to my peers in class and on-campus accommodation.

    I remember I talked to anyone and everyone because you never know where an opportunity might pop up.  
  • Online Portals:
    My main search was websites like Indeed and Seek but there is also LinkedIn. I set up job alerts to be sent to my email so that I would know when a job was posted.
  • Walk-Ins:
    I have walked into every single pharmacy in the town where the university campus is located and asked if they had any opportunities. I handed in my resume and had a quick chat to the hiring manger.

Relevance to my Coursework

As I said above, I currently study a Bachelor of Pharmacy and I am very fortunate to work in a pharmacy. It has allowed to me to practice applying my coursework to patient care within the jurisdiction of a pharmacy student (of course).

I love networking with the current pharmacists as well as customers. Finally, I also understand the pharmacy profession a lot better now that I am working in one.

Progression towards my Future Career Plan

My current future career plan is to become the best medical health professional I can be.

Both the coursework and working in the industry lets me gain experience and establish what my ethics, morals, values, strengths, and weaknesses are as a pharmacy student.

In turn, it then gives me time and real-world examples on who I do not want to be as a future pharmacist.

I ‘simply’ go about studying and working with the mindset that I will one day have a patient’s life in my hands.

If you’re looking for a job, look at the Charles Sturt Careers portal here.

Or access the Charles Sturt Jobs Board, click here.

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