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How the Library is Using Your SSAF and What It Means For You!

How the Library is Using Your SSAF and What It Means For You!


So you have heard all about SSAF but what is it being used for and how does it help you? Sophie talks about how the Orange library is using SSAF to make a difference to her student life and how you can get involved too!

Written by Sophie Lotz

My name is Sophie, I am a second year Doctor of Medicine student studying at the Orange campus.

I am from Gundagai, a small town near Wagga Wagga and live on campus in Orange during the Uni semesters.

Being a medical student, I spend a lot of time in the library whether that’s actually studying or chatting with friends over some free food on the couches.

From years 7-12 I went to high school in Sydney where I lived away from home as a boarder, so I quickly learnt that I couldn’t study in my room due to all the distractions.

I am a strong believer in separating study and rest areas, so having the library so close by on campus is great to get work done efficiently, leaving my dorm to be a place to relax with friends.

The SSAF funded amenities have helped with making the Orange campus library a warm and inviting place to study.

Each day our friendly library staff top up the food stations with biscuits, chips, fruit, frozen meals, two-minute noodles, ice blocks, tea, coffee and more.

The food station with all the goodies!

I can’t count the number of times I’ve forgotten lunch or coffee and have been able to have these provided for me so that I can stay in the library longer and finish my work.

Additionally, there are stationary stations topped up with highlighters, palm cards, pens and glue sticks, etc.

Having these supplied for us makes such a difference and saves you from bugging someone for a pen when you need one.

SSAF have also funded a parent’s room in the library. I applaud those on campus who are juggling study and supporting their family, and I can only imagine what impact this resource has on them.

Parents room!

This room is filled with a nappy changing station, toys, books, couches and a kitchenette to support parents and their study.

Also funded are Charles Sturt counselling services, financial support and IT services, available for both online and on campus students. Click here to find out more about SSAF funded support services.

On Orange campus, our library staff have created a suggestions wall where students can grab a marker and add suggestions for how the SSAF funded amenities can expand to help their needs.

This means that the amenities are catered to each student and to each campus, while also allowing students to share their voice on what they need.

Being so busy, it is easy to get caught up in the speed of university, so having services like these which provide and cater to the needs of students is something I am so grateful for.

Grants for SSAF funding for 2025 open on Monday 12 August and close Sunday 22 September 2024. This gives you the opportunity to submit an expression of interest form for what you think the next SSAF funded project should be.  Click here to submit an idea!

Charlie blog is a SSAF funded initiative

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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