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My experience using Special Consideration

My experience using Special Consideration


Are you experiencing unexpected challenges that are impacting your studies? Why not take a look at how Olivia Baker reached out for Special Consideration support.

Written by Olivia Baker

I have been a student at Charles Sturt University for 5 years, and during this time, I have unfortunately experienced many unexpected challenging scenarios.

This includes family members in hospital, family loss, grievance, and IVF emotional stress, all while managing full-time employment and full-time study in harmony.

During my study sessions, there have been a handful of times when I have felt exceptionally overwhelmed, inundated with stress, utterly exhausted, and highly anxious about completing an assignment by the expected due date.

I often felt like maybe I should withdraw from the session altogether, post census date, to support my mental health while combating the challenging life scenarios at hand.

My experience with the Special Consideration process at Charles Sturt University has been a fantastic end-to-end process.

It allowed me to feel as if a weight had lifted from my shoulders.

On all occasions when I have required assistance, the team truly made me feel beyond supported.

I was able to regain my confidence when I needed to lodge a Special Consideration application for my study circumstances to be reviewed.

The Special Consideration application process is seamless, and the team provided me with a plethora of information throughout the process.

They maintained clear communication updates to alleviate further stress on top of my circumstances.

Taking the time to have a cuppa in the sunshine.

Ultimately, the special consideration process allowed me to regroup and revisit my study plan while seeking approval for an assignment extension or withdrawing from the session entirely, while nourishing my mental state.

In summary, for anyone experiencing an unexpected, challenging scenario and require lodging a Special Consideration application, I strongly encourage you to contact the team.

They can be contacted via Student Central on 1800 275 278 or via webform for guidance and support.

Our mental health must not be overlooked, and the team is an incredible support platform from which to seek assistance.

Charlie blog is a SSAF funded initiative.

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This is an SSAF funded initiative
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