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Reasons why you should use music to concentrate while studying

Reasons why you should use music to concentrate while studying


Have you tried listening to music while studying before? Shristi N creates playlists dedicated for studying to help increase her motivation and improve focus!

Written by Shristi N

It is so easy to get distracted whilst studying. I like to listen to music to get into the mood, focus and of course for a 5-minute study break dance party.

Here are some benefits of using music to study and how I utilise the various genres throughout my study session.

Benefits of Listening to Music to Study

  • Enhanced Mood:
    I can think of so many other things I would rather be doing than studying. Music helps me get into a positive mindset for studying. Sometimes I get the blood pumping with a little dance party.
  • Improved Focus:
    With music, I am so much more engaged and focused. I can use music to create a study environment where I can just keep studying without distractions or feeling too tired.

    It makes studying less of a chore which is the best thing a student can do for themselves.
  • Increased Motivation:
    I don’t know about you but I can sit at my study desk and actively avoid studying unless I have the right music on. It gives me an extra push to start a study session.

Choosing the Right Music

  • Pop Music:
    I love the upbeat tempo and catchy lyrics of pop music. It gives me so much energy that is perfect for a little dance party for pregame and study breaks.

    I find myself getting carried away with the lyrics sometimes, so I use pop music strictly for pregame and study breaks.
  • Religious Music:
    I am a religious person so I sometimes listen to religious songs. The sounds of the traditional instruments and music just helps me get into the zone to smash through my studying goals.

    If religious songs aren’t your vibe then maybe you can try classical music?
  • Lo-Fi Music:
    When I am stressing out or getting too distracted, I listen to lo-fi versions of my favourite songs. Lo-fi music help me calm down and relax my mind with soothing but engaging rhythms.

    Typically, the lyrics are washout or quieter for the background music to shine. This lets me enjoy my favourite songs without getting too distracted.
  • Nature Sounds and Ambient Music:
    My thoughts are crazy after a study session.

    These sounds help to bring peace to my mind after trying to focus and work so hard on studying. During exam season this is a game changer!

Music can make or break my study session. I have made different study playlists for the different genres I talked about.

My aim as a student is to make a study environment that is cool, calm, and collected so that I can thrive academically. I strongly suggest you experiment with your music; and who knows, maybe you’ll study better too.

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