Written by Charlotte Penhall
So it’s getting closer to that fun time of the year, the first week of university after a break from either finishing your HSC, Session 2, or even Session 3.
To save you a little bit of panic in preparing to go to university, here’s some advice for that first week of uni for the year.

Get things you may need for uni now
If you’re someone who needs to buy new books, pens, pencils and other little bits and pieces to feel ready for uni, I recommend you start getting them now.
If you end up needing something like a new laptop and want to order it online, you are giving yourself plenty of time for this to arrive before the session starts.

Write all the due dates for Session 1 assessments on a calendar
This advice was given to me when I first started uni, and has been good to help me stay on top of assessments.
Just as a heads up, you may not be able to do this until you get closer to starting your first week.
You would then repeat this for Session 2 and or Session 3 as you get through the year.
Charles Sturt and the Online SRC actually comes out with a big wall planner calendar every year.
These calendars are particularly good because this not only has the public holidays listed but also important university dates.
These are dates like the start and end of each session, and the start and end of the exam period.

Make a study plan
I’m someone who likes to have a routine because it gets me in the habit of doing things.
So, if I don’t have time set aside for studying, it doesn’t get done.
A study plan is going to look different for everyone.
You can factor in things like going to the gym if you want.
This study plan is yours to shape, it can be as detailed or open as you like.

Be ready to hit the ground running, but don’t forget to look after yourself
Be ready to hit the ground running.
There is a good chance you will have an assessment or two due within the first couple of weeks of uni.
While they may only be small, it does not take much for things to start piling up.
Not to mention, you may have to try to find work during this time; I know I had to!
You now just need to remember to also look after yourself during this first week.
It can be both exciting and scary. Be sure to make time for yourself to relax.
Hang out with friends, watch movies, have a cup of tea or coffee, and try not to burnout in the first week!
However, if everything starts to get a bit too much for you, don’t forget the university has services in place to try and help you overcome these challenges.
Now get out there and enjoy your first week of uni!

Useful links
To order a Charles Sturt Online SRC wall planner (free) click here.
For more information on Charles Sturt counselling and wellbeing services, click here.