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World Gratitude Day: Nayma’s Story.

World Gratitude Day: Nayma’s Story.


“Before being a student, mother, wife, daughter, carer, activist, I am human being and human beings are limited.” Charlie’s newest contributor Nayma Bilal, shares an open account on World Gratitude Day. If you’re seeking some inspiration today, you’ve come to the right place…

Written by Nayma Bilal

Every year, on September 21, we celebrate World Gratitude Day.

This is a day in which we reflect on where we are in our lives and all the things that we are grateful for and express our appreciation to the people around us with gestures of thankfulness.

Beyond its positive effects on wellbeing and the emotions of happiness and pleasure, gratitude, it allows us to reframe our focus and appreciate what we have as opposed to what we don’t.

It allows us to appreciate all the efforts that factor into our success in our journeys as opposed how far we are from the destination.

On this memorable day, I am grateful for all the things and people that have led me to where I stand and who I am today.

Charlie’s newest contributor Nayma Bilal.

Firstly, I am honoured to have the opportunity to study the Doctor of Medicine, a chance that’s not easy to come by. I am grateful to be a part of one of the most altruistic and rewarding careers.

As healthcare professionals, it is important that we appreciate the privilege of being trusted to care for others in their vulnerable states.

We have the ability to empower patients to make the best decisions for their health, their lives and their families.

We have the privilege of being able to make a difference in the lives of our patients and their families on a daily basis.

Even as a medical student when I’m not directly treating a patient, I’m grateful for the opportunity to just be there for my patient as someone who listens to their stores, hears their concerns, and shows them that someone cares.

It is this privilege of treating with both our hands and our hearts that makes me extremely grateful to be in this career.

Moreover, I understand that having access higher education is a privilege, one that I am absolutely grateful for.

Nayma’s studies.

Unfortunately, in many places around the world including Australia, young women are deprived of the opportunity of pursuing higher education.

Many grow up with dreams of pursuing careers and further education, only to have their hopes crushed by the demands of societal expectations and stigmas.

For others, unfortunately, it’s not something that can even be dreamed of, let alone thought of.

Whether it’s the societal norms, gender expectations, lack of resources, lack of support or difficulty breaking the glass ceiling, for many people there are countless barriers to education that often diminish the motivation to pursue a career. 

I am grateful for having crossed these barriers and being in a position to motivate others to do so as well.

Women in Medicine.

However, where I am in my academics and career today goes to no credit on my own. If it were not for the support of my family, friends and those around me, I would not have been able to dream of being a doctor, let alone cross these barriers.

Firstly, I am extremely grateful to my parents who have instilled in me the appreciation for education and along with them, my siblings, for the tremendous support they have and continue to provide me on a daily basis.

From caring for my baby, to review editing my assignments, to providing me the moral strength to persevere, I am extremely thankful for everything they do for me.

Secondly, I am immensely grateful to my husband who has day in day out supported me to be the best version of myself and for being my rock and shoulder to cry on.

Lastly, I am absolutely thankful to all of my friends who have continued to support me in breaking the barriers and who have reassured me that its okay and in fact admirable to stand out from the crowd.

Nayma’s friends supporting each other in their Medicine journey.

Finally, I am grateful to everyone around me for allowing me to come to the realisation that it’s okay not to be okay.

We don’t always have to maintain a perfect persona and perfect grades in order to be successful.

Sometimes life can throw us curveballs, and things won’t go as planned.

However, in the end, it is the lessons that we learn, how we behave and how we improve as a person that matters.

Before being a student, mother, wife, daughter, carer, activist, I am human being and human beings are limited.

In order to grow, it is important to realise and accept these limits.

Although there is always room for improvement, it is important to appreciate who we are, where we have come from and take it easy on reaching our destination, as this is essence of gratitude.

And last but definitely not least, I am grateful that fuel prices are finally going back down!

Nayma gaining hands on experience.

A final note.

A big thank you to Nayma for sharing your personal story and encouraging others to reflect on what they’re grateful for, no matter how big or small. This is your reminder to spread some love, peace and appreciation wherever you may go.

If you have your own story you’d like to share, please contact the Charlie team at

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This is an SSAF funded initiative
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