To make it at university, we have to know how to reference correctly. Unnecessary marks can be lost because of simple referencing errors, so here is your ultimate guide to knowing what correct referencing is, when it should be used and how to do it.
What is referencing?
When you refer to another person’s work, you are required to state that they own it and where you found that information. This allows others, including the markers to locate the correct source and acknowledge that you are utilising another person’s information.
What do I need to reference?
You must reference all sources referred to, whether it be written or verbal, in any of your university learning activities, including assessments. If you do not reference your sources, it is classified as plagiarism and may result in CSU taking disciplinary action.
How do I create a reference list?
In many of your assessments, you will include both in-text referencing (where you will state the source’s author, year and page or paragraph number at the mentioned point in your assessment) and a reference list.
The reference list needs to be inserted at the end of your assessment on a new page. Check your subject outline for any extra specifications that your lecturer may want. The information for each entry on your reference list will depend on the resource type.
CSU has created an Academic Referencing Tool (ART) which shows you an example of how to reference each resource. The ART also provides style notes, in which you can find examples of reference lists, along with information about formatting, quotations and paraphrasing.
More information about referencing:
CSU Library have resources on referencing, with a lot of useful information, tips and workshops.
The ALLaN team also help you develop your referencing skills with workshops throughout the year and ALLaN advisors available via appointment.
My top tips:
- Remember to reference every source utilised.
- Every source on your reference list must also appear in your assessment and be referenced in-text .
- Check your punctuation – simple mistakes may lose you marks!