As online students, we have the advantage of flexible study. This means we can also schedule it around our travel desires!
Here are tips on how I managed to stay on top of my studies while I travelled:
Have a diary.
Schedule your daily activities to organise when to study and when to explore. Check out the times available for the activities that you want and book it in, so that you have some structure in your adventures.
Travel as a local.
Don’t schedule everything though! Try looking for deals where you’re not bound by the times of a tour guide, rather places you have flexible access to. This way you can study in your own time, whether it be early mornings or late nights, and explore at your own pace.
Choose when to sleep.
Fight the urge to sleep on flights. It will leave you wanting more sleep when you land. I usually try to stay awake during my flights and study so that I can take a peaceful sleep once I get to the hotel! If I do end up sleeping on the plane, I do my best to make up for the lost study time at the hotel.
Do your groceries.
When travelling, we spend a lot of time eating out, this includes the time deciding where to eat and how to get there. Do a quick grocery shop, even if it’s just your breakfasts or some snacks, so that you have sources of energy to study a little longer.
Connect with your co-ordinator.
If you have any issues with your studies, make sure you keep yourself connected with your subject or course co-ordinator, they offer a great amount of help, even if you’re overseas.
Stay healthy and positive!
Have a rest day. Make sure you still get enough sleep and eat well. Don’t just explore and study, because you won’t be a happy traveller if you’re tired or hungry.
Safe travels!