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Tag: student

woman on phone

Study smart with your smartphone

Most people have one – a smartphone. You probably use it to send messages, make calls, take pictures, send email, browse social media, and spend hours on those annoyingly addictive games. It’s time to start using your phone smarter, convert...

Students chatting together outside

5 questions to ask your new dorm mates

When you’ve outgrown ‘get to know you’ games and ice-breaker jokes are no longer a thing, what do you do when you meet your new dormies? Ask them these five questions: What’s your name, where are you from, what are you studying? Open with these...

Student in an organised dorm space on campus

Dorm storage hacks

It’s a fact, dorm rooms are small (especially if you’re used to spreading your things out through a whole house!). However, their simple design opens a world of possibilities for storage solutions. So, use these classic hacks to make the most...

Put your well-being first

by Amy Carlon Juggling university, work and your personal life sometimes feels like you have no time left to take care of yourself. Although it can be hard, the key is to take a step back and make sure you’re looking after your own health too...

Your mid freak-out heroes

Your mid freak-out heroes

by Amy Carlon Whether you are a current or future student, we all have our moments where we need help, plain and simple. If you’re currently freaking out about university, don’t worry, you’re not alone. To combat those feelings of anxiety and...

Young boy moving out of home. Image:

Five tips for moving out of home

by Loren Howarth Whether you’re moving out of home for some independence, or you’ve decided that on-campus accommodation isn’t for you, moving out of home is a big decision. You’ll have more responsibilities, plus your own...

CSU tv production students at TV Land.

A day in the life of a television production student

My name is Dougal, and I’m in my 3rd year of a Bachelor of Stage and Screen (Television) at CSU. Each day at University is rather different for a tv production student (also known as a ‘proddie’), so there’s not necessarily a typical day in my life...

Medical Radiation Science student.

A day in the life of a Medical Radiation Science student

My name is Georgia Taylor and I’m studying a Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science at Charles Sturt University in Wagga. If I’m not studying, then you’ll find me training for triathlons either in the pool or on a trail road around town. Here’s a...

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