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Tag: session 3

Trilok’s guide to your first assessment

''Remember to take frequent breaks to continue being efficient over longer periods of time and write down further questions you may have to ask in discussion boards or to your lecturers.'' Orientation has been and gone and now it's crunch time...

Top places to volunteer this summer

In the season of giving, why not consider giving of your time and efforts to communities in need? Kate Armstrong shares some insightful tips on volunteering, including where and why you should consider giving it a go this summer!

How To Make The Most Out Of Orientation For Session 3

''Turn on that camera during Zoom sessions, and engage with fellow students through the discussion boards. Meet up in person or virtually for a coffee/chat. Studying online doesn’t mean studying alone.'' Charlie contributor Michelle Curry offers...

My guide to studying in Session 3.

"Whether it’s a course requirement or you are simply trying to get ahead, there is always a silver lining to putting in the hard yards now." Meg Seis gives her best tips on surviving Session 3 as it fast approaches!

What to expect at Session 3 Orientation

Session 3 Orientation will create an amazing opportunity for you to leap into the session with confidence and a smile. I wonder who is going to paint the best beachscape, what everyone will be up to with the Goosechase, and how many confused faces...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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