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Tag: scholarships

Common myths about scholarships

When it comes to applying for scholarships, we often look at the effort and time it takes, before realising the benefits. So, here are the most common myths about scholarships and how you can overcome them: Myth #1 Finding a scholarship takes...

Planning ahead for workplace learning

Workplace learning, also known as work placement or practicum, is a requirement for many courses offered at CSU. Placements can vary in length and you may be required to travel further than you usually do to attend classes or to find accommodation...

dollar going into piggy bank

Six tips to prepare for the cost of uni

With Orientation upon us and the start of a brand new academic year, the time is ripe to lock down your budget. This will help you go forward confident you’ve made every effort to take the financial stress out of studying. Here are our six top...

Should you apply for a scholarship? Apply!

Seven tips for a winning scholarship application

Every year CSU receives more than 8,000 scholarship applications. That’s a lot, right? So within that enormous pile of scholarship applications, how do you make yours stand out from the crowd and get you those well-needed dollars? Well, you don’t...

Group of students at Oxford

Five myths about the Rhodes Scholarships

Have you heard of the Rhodes Scholarships? If not, you may have heard of some former Australian Rhodes Scholars; Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, former prime minister Tony Abbott and human rights lawyer Jennifer Robinson. There are many...

CSU students studying in the CSU Library.

CSU offers refugees valuable, life-changing financial help

CSU has detailed new scholarships aimed at transforming the lives of asylum seekers and refugees through higher education. The scholarships are for people on both temporary and permanent humanitarian visas and are being offered through the Charles...

May the funds be with you

10 hot tips for scholarship success

Accommodation, transport, and textbooks – the inevitable costs that come with study. These fees can add up to an unexpected figure, leaving you with only one option for lunch and dinner: two minute noodles. This is when scholarships and grants come...

Sorca Hubbuck

Scholarship process ‘a humbling experience’

With scholarship ceremonies being held at CSU this month, we sat down with Sorca Hubbuck from the Bathurst Campus to talk about the process of applying and what it means to be receiving a scholarship. What are you studying and what year are you in...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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