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Tag: relax

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Three podcasts you need to be listening to

With all the technology we have available to us, we have loads of entertainment options at any given time. But movies, TV, texting, social media – these all involve a lot of screen time, and other media, such as radio and books, have kind of fallen...

students playing basketball

Four ways to make the most of the mid-session break

By Vicki Ruehmkorff For many, mid-session break means packing your things and going home for two weeks, for others it means a break from classes and the ability to stay home in comfort and pyjamas. Either way, the mid-session break gives us students...

A (Mostly) Guilt Free Way of Substituting TV for Study

As uni students, we’re no strangers to procrastination. As due dates and exam season loom large over us, our natural instinct isn’t to study harder or revise our notes, our first course of action is to postpone our work until the last...

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