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Tag: flexible

Why you should become the next Charlie Editor

Our current Editor is graduating! We need a new Charlie Editor and that could be you! If you love all things #UniLife and want to share student stories that will help others have the best uni experience possible... this might just be your vibe. We...

Get involved in student life: online

For most students, their days at university are filled with making new friends, discovering a community and experiencing the world of education. Studying a degree online need be no different. Here are just some of the ways you can get involved in...

Studying when time isn’t on your side

The world we live in is increasingly fast-paced and we are all time poor. Here’s your fast-tracked guide to getting the most out of your day: Bite-sized chunks. Study in bite-sized chunks, for example short 10 or 20 minute bursts throughout...

Tackling the challenges of online study

Online studying. Where’s the subject teaching us how to do that? There’s no manual, no textbook and no specific way to do it. Over the past 10 years, two-and-a-half online degrees later, I have learnt that there some hard hurdles to overcome in...

Why Online Study Suits my Family

Why online study fits my family

Online study is the perfect solution to fit in with my family situation. I will give you a bit of context: In the past four years, I have moved locations (not just houses but states) three times, changed employers three times and had the kids in...

Supercharge to the end of Session 3

If the summer heat is draining your energy and motivation, then take a look at these seven simple ideas to get you over the line this session. Align your time, goals, and well-being with quick and simple hacks to make getting through the end of...

Why I love studying online

by Amy Carlon Studying online might sometimes feel like a burden, so it’s time to be reminded of why you chose this path! Remember that you are able to get as much from your study time online as you would if you were an on-campus student, plus...

two-thirds of our online students are women

Study boosts women’s success in the workforce

It’s a very old-fashioned and conservative idea for women to be more the type to stay at home, look after the children and do the housework while the husbands or partners bring home the bacon. It’s becoming increasingly common for women...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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