Wouldn’t it be great if you could earn an income and gain experience while you study? That’s where Earn As You Learn can help. Earn As You Learn gives you tools and resources that will help you get job-ready and connects you with local...
With the cooler weather well and truly upon us, there is nothing better than a big bowl of comfort food after a day’s study. Soups, casseroles and pasta dishes become a winter staple and the best bit is, they are not only good for your soul but also...
Earn As You Learn (EAYL) starts soon, so register now! This free program connects you with local employers who have part-time or casual job vacancies. Why should I register? Check out what these students and employers said when we asked them what...
No one wants to blow all their savings on one summer holiday, so here’s how to budget and spend wisely this summer break. Holiday funds: It is useful to set aside some holiday funds! On top of separating money from your savings, allocate money from...
As a uni student, your finances may be another thing you have to manage on top of everything else in your life. Understanding the best ways to manage your finances can save you money, help you reach your goals and stops you worrying. Here are a few...
Spring has just arrived, the days are getting longer and now is the perfect time to find a quiet place in the sun and sort out your finances. CSU’s Student Liaison Officer (Finance) has some useful tips to get your finances in order:
by Claire Sams Paying taxes can be annoying and confusing, but they are an integral part of being an adult. Check out this Q&A full of resources from the Australian Tax Office to help you become a finance boss: Q: Do I need to pay taxes or lodge...
Wouldn’t it be nice if the holidays came free? No expensive plane tickets, no $80 per Christmas present for everyone in the family, and no limits on food or fun… one can only dream. So, how can we survive the summer break without being completely...
by Loren Howarth Whether you’re moving out of home for some independence, or you’ve decided that on-campus accommodation isn’t for you, moving out of home is a big decision. You’ll have more responsibilities, plus your own...
Being a student and having a healthy diet are two things that don’t go hand-in-hand. Although it’s important to include healthy foods in your diet, sometimes it’s hard to do so on a tight budget. Especially when you’re living pay cheque to pay...