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Tag: education

Choosing Teaching

Teaching is way more than just a job. Harrison tells you about why he chose to study teaching and reminds fellow teaching students why they chose to do this degree in the first place: to raise the next generation of artists, doctors, inventors and...

My Life-changing Experience Teaching in Nepal

Ever wanted to combine the rewarding experiences of travel and helping others? Sophie tells you about her trip; teaching in Nepal with CSU Global and how her students taught her just as much as she taught them!

Managing Long Distance Relationships while Studying 

Maddi chose uni purely for the pursuit for education, opportunity, and her future. BUT this meant moving away from the person she loves. Can she squeeze in time between her uni and social life for her partner of 5 years? OF COURSE and Maddi provides...

Back-to-School… at Charles Sturt

Are you a Swiftie ready to conquer your first year of study? Or just transitioning to uni in general? Charlee Lean, second year education student and huge Swiftie fan tells you all about how she adjusted to uni life!

How to ace your LANTITE exams

Are you about to complete the next window of LANTITE exams? Education students across Charles Sturt may be studying extra hard this session to pass a vital exam for their teaching degree. Michelle Curry shares how to prepare for remote proctoring...

International Students Day

International Students Day is celebrated on the 17th of November every year. Today we celebrate the diversity of our educational community. Current Charles Sturt Nursing student Tharuka Dakshini talks about her educational journey.

Studying education: expectations vs reality

Currently studying in her fourth year of a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood & Primary), Greta Porter shares how her expectations have measured against the realities of her study journey.

Budding educators celebrate National Teacher’s Day

Thank you to all the teachers who inspire me, and mentor me on my journey to be a teacher. Because my teachers and lecturers at Charles Sturt university believed in me, I never gave up on my dream. I will always be grateful for your encouragement...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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