It is important to connect with people no matter where or how you are studying. With a strong support network, the tough Uni journey will become bearable and more enjoyable! Here are our top three Facebook groups that you should join today to get...
by Amy Carlon Social media can be a powerful platform for communication with others, especially those you have not met yet. For example, CSU’s group CSUSocial that was started up this year is amazing for connecting with people all over who are...
Groups, groups and more groups. We’ve got the People who always have to spell their names for other people group, the I just entered my room and forgot what I wanted group and the I feel my phone vibrate when it didn’t, and when it did, I don’t feel...
Whether you’re quiet and reserved, or a social butterfly, making friends at university can be both nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time. But university is a great place to reconnect with old friends, expand your current friendship group or...