We all need our shopping budget to go as far as possible these days, so we asked student Shantel to share a few of her quick, easy and budget friendly recipes! You'll have dinner and lunch sorted for days. Bon appetite.
Written by Grace Carpenter Finding cheap meals to make isn’t easy as a university student! For those like me, who didn’t cook much before they moved out of home, it’s especially difficult to find something easy to make without...
Cooking for yourself throughout the uni year can be super repetitive. Let’s be real, you get lazy and end up having leftovers or spaghetti bolognese for the hundredth time. To help make your summer dorm experience feel a little bit more festive...
When someone mentions proper diet and healthy eating, the go-to food is always a salad. It is nutritious, fast to make and can have endless variety. Salads are also great for on-the-go university students. After all, keeping on top of healthy eating...
Living on-campus can be a stressful time; sometimes the pressure of having multiple assignments due at once, internships, sport and social events can be enough to cause a bit of a meltdown! To make your nights a bit easier and take one extra thing...
With the cooler weather well and truly upon us, there is nothing better than a big bowl of comfort food after a day’s study. Soups, casseroles and pasta dishes become a winter staple and the best bit is, they are not only good for your soul but also...
by Loren Howarth After a long day at uni you’re probably feeling hungry, but also don’t want make a mess in the kitchen (because you don’t want to clean up). Don’t worry though, these recipes are cheap, simple and taste pretty good...