Whether this is your first venture into university or study, or you are returning after a long absence, one of the common questions asked is “what computer should I get?” This article is a no-nonsense guide to explain the tech jargon and help you...
Have you ever seen those tech-y people with more than one screen and felt a pang of jealousy at their setup? You can have it too! And you don’t have to be a tech genius to do it. Once set up, you can use one screen to display your research material...
Studying is hard. Let’s not sugar-coat it. It takes time, concentration and dedication. Long hours spent in front of computer screens reading, researching and writing. If you don’t set yourself up properly, study can be a real pain in the neck...
It is time to get back into the habit of studying. You may have bought yourself a shiny new gadget to ditch the pen-and-paper note-taking method of lectures past. If you’re looking to streamline your study sessions with tech, these somewhat secret...
It’s the start of the year and the most common question I see in forums and groups is: what computer should I get? This is a really ambiguous question because there are just so many options! So, here are my tips to make the best decision: #1 What is...
It is that exciting time of the year where future students are receiving their offers to study, others may be returning to study, and you may be wondering “what sort of computer do I need?”. Here are some tips to make your purchasing...
The new episode of Pretty Little Liars just aired in the US, but you can’t possibly wait that agonising 24 hours for it to be released in OZ… Your solution? “Oh I’ll just download it right?” – Wrong!
Last week something tragic happened… I had been doing very long hours plugging away at my final semester assignments, running my beloved computer non-stop. Next minute… the screen went blank. That was strange; I pressed the start button...
For those of you thinking you’d have to fork out and purchase the Microsoft Office 2013 Suite – think again! CSU students can now download multiple FREE copies of the Microsoft Office 2013 Suite (Office 365) on up to 5 PCs or Macs and other...