Working alongside friends and peers can be beneficial. But how can you limit distractions and ensure all of your team are putting in 100% effort? Olivia gives you all the answers to setting boundaries and helping you provide the best quality work to...
Living with your friends can be really great, but sometimes we need rules in place to ensure everything runs smoothly. Alice Cavanagh shares her top tips on living with mates.
My final tip for increasing your marks would be interacting and communicating with lecturers, peers and alumni. Participation is often marked and it’s surprising how helpful it is to ask questions, discuss views with your peers and share...
Do you enjoy making a difference in other people’s lives and the environment around you? Do you enjoy creating events and projects? Do you want to develop skills that will help you as a student and in your future career? If you answered yes to any...
My name is Jaimi-Lee Bennett and I’m currently in my third year of a Bachelor of Communication (Theatre Media) in Bathurst. I’ve been working on the latest main stage production of Ben Jonson’s, THE FOX. Being involved in a production like this is a...
CSU students have won the IAA Big Ideas national advertising competition for the seventh year in a row! We caught up with some of the winning team, Kajulu Blue, to find out what their secret to success is. Find out more about the competition and...
Ever wanted to travel the world? You may have seen the Finland Winter Sports Program and while you want to travel, sport really isn’t your thing. Well, that’s okay. CSU Global has opportunities all over the world for aspiring students who want to...
With the recent introduction of new student communication channels, CSU Forums will be shut down as of Tuesday 30 June 2015. As part of the early stage of the forums closure, the IT Issues and CSU General Forums will be transitioning out of CSU...