Taplin is a young Australian poet from Melbourne, Victoria who only recently became a prominent social media sensation and literary icon. He is known particularly for his profound one line antidotes and magical interpretations of reality that...
Fogarty is an Aboriginal activist and poet who uses his literary skills to highlight the political and social issues that he is most passionate about. These issues include Aboriginal land rights and custody deaths; in 1993, Fogarty’s brother died in...
Reed-Gilbert was born in central NSW, Wiradjuri country, and became a prominent poet and Aboriginal rights activist. Her works were translated into multiple international languages including Korean, Bengali and Dutch. She won two awards for her...
A 21st century Aboriginal visionary, Kirli Saunders put her creative skills to good use from writing a variety of picture books and plays to creating the Poetry in First Language program. Her initiative, commitment and leadership qualities are...
One of Australia’s most prominent historical figures, Paterson was born on the property of “Narambla” and originally studied to be a lawyer in Sydney. He published his first work in 1895, containing the infamous Man From Snowy River poem. This book...
The Indigenous Australian activist from Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) was a 20th century historic and cultural figure. She fostered a reputation as a poet through the 1960’s, with some of her greatest works being published in that decade...