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Tag: achievement

Managing Long Distance Relationships while Studying 

Maddi chose uni purely for the pursuit for education, opportunity, and her future. BUT this meant moving away from the person she loves. Can she squeeze in time between her uni and social life for her partner of 5 years? OF COURSE and Maddi provides...

taking notes from iPad with coffee

Five reasons CSU was my perfect match

By Sheriden Fyson I changed my life with CSU and you can too! Making the decision to go back to study at 33 was scary. But with the support and flexibility offered at CSU, changing careers is easier than you think! Here are five reasons why choosing...

Photo of Sarah Ellem

CSU gave me the flexibility to achieve

By Sarah Ellem Six years, one international move, three houses, one wedding, one honeymoon, two new jobs, one pregnancy, one child, a handful of medical misadventures, one dead 18-year-old cat, a 40th birthday, the odd holiday, hundreds of trips to...

image of wind turbine overlooking CSU campus

CSU becomes Australia’s first Carbon Neutral University

You might have seen the electric carts around CSU’s Bathurst and Wagga Wagga campuses, joined in at a tree-planting day or recycled your empty water bottles on campus. All these are things you can do to help protect the environment, and your efforts...

Sorca Hubbuck

Scholarship process ‘a humbling experience’

With scholarship ceremonies being held at CSU this month, we sat down with Sorca Hubbuck from the Bathurst Campus to talk about the process of applying and what it means to be receiving a scholarship. What are you studying and what year are you in...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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