Written by Lewis Donaldson
Bonjour et bienvenue!
Have you ever considered learning another language? Do you want to travel? Submerge yourself in different cultures? Have a passion for history? Dreamt of having a diverse group of friends from various language backgrounds? Thought about scenarios where being bilingual could get you out of trouble? Or thought about stunning your friends by suddenly speaking Spanish?
Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in luck – because learning another language brings HUGE benefits! Think about confidence, memory, attention spans and jobs. These are just a few of the advantages that come with learning a foreign tongue.
And I’ve been there, done that! Last year I sat my HSC and scored a 96.6 in Beginners French, and I’ve continued learning. My knowledge helped my family and I when we traveled through France earlier this year – especially at the crucial time of buying Belgian chocolate!

Building Confidence
But back to the benefits. Confidence. Who doesn’t want to become more confident? Whether this is talking with friends or interacting with strangers, learning another language breaks open the barrier of your anxieties.
Naturally as you improve, you can communicate with other speakers for longer and on more challenging topics. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction you experience from this boosts your self esteem – personally, it was enough to encourage me to pursue public speaking!
Better Memory
Okay, you’re way behind on content and you need to memorise heaps of information for that upcoming exam. We all wish we had an incredible memory, right? Well, learning a second language will help you out.
Understandably, when learning a new language, you’re constantly trying to absorb and recall new words, rules, sounds and in many cases – like Russian or Japanese – entirely different alphabets. This process constantly engages the part of your brain responsible for memorising things, and like a muscle, strengthens it!

Grow Your Attention Span
Social media has ruined our attention spans. The insane speed in which we scroll through our feeds, reel after reel, post after post. And do any of us remember even half the stuff we see?
Fortunately for you, learning a second language can help claw back your attention span and take control of your concentration. As little as one week of learning a new language makes a positive difference toward your alertness and focus, which will help you stay focused in class (for a bit longer anyway).

More Jobs, More Money
Who doesn’t want some extra money? Well knowing a second language can earn you extra cash!
First up, you can increase your chances of getting hired. There are many highly sought after jobs out there, and knowing a second language can help preference you over your competition. What’s more, you could actually get paid up to 20% extra just by being bilingual!
You can also broaden your job opportunities. When the opportunity for business trips or relocation within the company arises, your extra skill will make you stand out. Looking more for a side hustle? No problem. You could become a language tutor in-person or online and make money teaching others!
How to Get Started
Want to get started learning a language? Here are some ideas:
● Check out a language learning app like Duolingo.
● Binge a series in that language. Try Netflix or Lingopie.
● Find a friend who might be willing to teach you.
● Enrol in a course online, or find a language tutor.
● Like the idea of free study and language tuition overseas? Have a look at the New Colombo Plan.
Charlie blog is a SSAF funded initiative