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Professionalism 101

Professionalism 101


How do you act ‘professional’? It’s essential in the workforce but it’s not exactly taught in school. Olivia gives you her tips and tricks to put your best foot forward and nail professionalism once and for all.

Written by Olivia Baker

Professionalism plays an essential role within your career, both academically and in the workforce. Upon entering the workforce as a receptionist, this opportunity was the foundational platform where I recognised the importance of professionalism and how applying professional etiquette set the path for my successful journey ahead, by always being recognised and respected. In my opinion, there are seven elements of professionalism, and by applying these actions, I have no doubt that your confidence will soar, and you will be set apart from other competition when entering the workforce.

Being Prompt

By demonstrating you respect other people’s time via meetings, conference calls or any type of engagement, this attribute will not go unnoticed.

Influence Positive Team Culture

By demonstrating this, others will recognise you are friendly, productive, a team player and your top focus is your work.

Apply Courteous Manners to Work Colleagues

By demonstrating this characteristic, it showcases you have respect  for others, which extends not only via face to face, but also via phone calls, emails and formalised documentation. I also strongly recommend that you keep your workspace area tidy, which underpins the moral of being considerate of others around you in the workplace.

Admit Mistakes

By doing so, you demonstrate that you are receptive to constructive feedback, and are able to apply the learnings obtained, to do better in future circumstances.

Pay Attention to Your Appearance

By displaying a wardrobe that represents you, demonstrates that you take pride in your appearance, but also steer away from being overly casual. Noting, if you are uncertain about the expected dress code depending on your employer, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification.

Take Initiative

By doing so, you demonstrate that you are making an effort to be the best worker you can be with the companies interest at heart.

Make Professionalism a Way of Life

By continuously applying all elements of professionalism, you will seamlessly enter the workforce and pave the way for a successful career.

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