Written by Olivia Baker
From the day I entered the workforce, I have always utilised the incredible benefits of creating an individual development plan (IDP).
By creating a document of such, I have been able to ensure my development goals have stayed on task, and in line with my academic journey and career path. Additionally, adding any growth changes that may arise on the way.
Anyone can create an IDP, noting that the document can be in the format of bullet points, or precise categories, though, do not get overwhelmed by the overall layout when creating an IDP as the underlying development purpose of the document is the main focus point.

Upon creating an IDP, you may choose to write a proposal that covers your potential research goals and/or career goals. The responsibility of what you choose to input into your IDP proposal is at your discretion. However, I always include areas I want to develop to expand my skillset, the actions I will undertake to achieve these results, the dates of completion, and any academic readings that I want to immerse myself in, to further advance my skillset.

I tend to span my IDP strategy over six months, so I do not over-commit and ensure I achieve my goals by the set due date. By way of creating an IDP, the gains of the tool are limitless, as you can customise the strategy to cater to your needs, wants, and long-term aspirations, over 6 months or 5 years. The possibilities are endless, as the IDP plan ultimately promotes you to be the best version of yourself.

Personally, I cannot stress to others enough as to how beneficial IDP’s are. There is no right time to when you should peruse an IDP, as you need to be wanting to fulfill your goals of planning a timeline, of when you want to complete your aspirations and dreams, and the best way possible to start the process is by completing an ID….today, tomorrow, or whenever you are ready, because I can guarantee, once you start, you will never look back.
Charlie is a SSAF funded initiative