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5 study hacks for exam success

5 study hacks for exam success

Exams are coming up so give yourself the best chance at success by following these study hacks:

1. Find what works for you

Everyone is different in the way that they best learn. Some may need to write lots of notes with colour coding, while others make flash cards. Some may need to just read the textbook, while others do little bits of everything.

Knowing which study tools work best for you is important for absorbing as much content and staying calm, even when you have to cram.

2. Tune into your prime time

Are you are morning person who studies in the early hours and crashes in the afternoon? Or do you work best late into the night?

Work out when you have the most energy and leave that time for the hard tasks like writing essays or reading complex reports.

3. Get rid of distractions

  • Leave your phone in a different room.
  • Work in the library or use one of the on campus study spaces where you can work undisturbed.
  • Put headphones in to block out noise and even make a study playlist so your body knows that when that music is on, you need to study.

4. Set an intention and prioritise 

Before each two hour study block, take five minutes to set out what you want to achieve during the study session.

Do you need to write 500 words, read four articles or just make notes? What topic do you need to cover? What areas do you need to study the most?

5. Work in an environment that suits you

Some people like to study with others or as a group, while others like to study alone and not surrounded by anyone else. Often, preference can depend on the subject you are studying or mood you are in. See what works best for you!

Also, find a spot that you are most productive in including the library, bedroom, a common area or even a public space, such as a park.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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