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What’s on your desk?

What’s on your desk?

Many people say that your desk is your inner sanctum, as it is the place where you get the job done. Just because it’s the place where you work late into the night, doesn’t mean that it has to be completely bland and boring!

Making your study space your own is essential, so here are the top five items anyone should have on their desk:

1) Pens

This one is an obvious essential for any good Uni student’s desk – a pen! Laptops and smartphones might be well and good but there may come a time where you need to resort to a good old fashioned pen and paper. It’s always good to have pens within arm’s reach for that pesky moment when something pops into your head and you need to write it down.

2) Notepad

It’s always great to have a pad to write a thought or note down the second it pops into your head – whether it be a little thought for that next assessment or a reminder for grocery shopping! It can also be a good tool when it comes to clearing your head, allowing you to write down all the thoughts swirling around.

3) Calendar

This is another must-have. With a calendar on your desk you can keep both your personal and Uni life organised by keeping track of those pesky upcoming assessments, social events, work schedules and family commitments.

4) Headphones

Wherever you are studying, there is usually a need to block out the world around you and concentrate on what you’re doing – whether that be an assessment or just a little bit of self-care. Headphones on your desk can take care of this. Plus, there work great for not disturbing your neighbours while you are working late on your assignment!

5) Plants

This is up to personal preference but can make just the difference to a good looking workspace! I recently invested in a plant and it has become one of the favourite things on my desk. It is a great way to freshen up your desk, promote a better mood and create clean air in your study space. Plus, it’s also a great study break when you finally remember to water it.

Add these items to your desk and everyone will be wanting to know how you make it look so good!

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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