Study Link can help you at all stages of your degree. We asked one of our online students studying a Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) who enrolled in Study Link, Dianne Whittle, to help us explain all the benefits this program has to your degree from her own experience.
Gives you the best chance at study success:
If you want to enhance your skills in mathematics, writing, statistics or science, or even just to help make the sometimes difficult transition to uni a little easier, Study Link provides the tools to get you through your degree. Study Link is available to all CSU students and offers a choice of up to 20 different short subjects that are taught by a Subject Coordinator. They provide courses in all different areas that addresses all the different skill sets needed for all degrees at CSU.
Dianne: “I decided that I would simply start at the beginning and work my way through the Introduction to Learning Online and take it one step at a time. I worked my way through it mostly during that first week and it was an absolute lifesaver! I learned how to find my subjects, my lectures, my tutorials. I learnt how to take part in the discussion section, how to post a comment and get involved in a conversation. I learnt how to attend an online tutorial and make comments and take part in the conversations and discussions. I learnt to use the Library. All of those absolutely integral things that are essential for online learning.”
Delivered Flexibly:
The Study Link courses are delivered online and in a fashion that best suits you. The total course time ranges from 14-40 hours and you can take up to 5 months to complete each one if needed. However, there is no pressure if you cannot finish a course as they are non-credit bearing.
Dianne: “I did the online learning course over a week or so, I could do it at my own pace and so it fits quite easily into my life.”
It is affordable:
Study Link is free and available for Commonwealth Supported students as soon as they have accepted their offer to study at CSU!
Complete Study Link at any stage of your course:
The best time to fill knowledge gaps is prior to starting at CSU, however, you can complete a Study Link course at any point whilst studying your degree at CSU.
Dianne: “I do recommend to anyone starting new to start with this course. For anyone like me who has had a long gap from Uni or isn’t strong in the computer side of things, it is an essential starting point.”