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Tag: help

Why I became a student mentor

Do you remember how daunting it was in your first few weeks of uni? Why not use YOUR personal experience to help other uni students? Become a student mentor today, gain skills and be recognised for your hard work!

My volunteering story: Battling natural disasters at Port Mac

Em grew up in the Inner-West and never had to deal with natural disasters, so it was certainly a shock for her when she received an evacuation call during the 2019 bushfires. Read below about her resilience and journey to becoming a volunteer for...

Your wellbeing during the festive season

It's the most wonderful time of the year! That's not to say that it doesn't come with its own set of challenges, stress and chaos. Charlie Contributor, Michelle Curry, shares how you can look after your physical health and mental wellbeing this...

How to deal with academic burnout

''At the time, I thought that being super busy was good as I was gaining experience and kicking goals that were very valuable however, in reality, I was constantly exhausted, I did not have time for friends and family or more importantly, for myself...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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