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Tag: women

Women in STEM

It's 2024, lets stop the gender stereotypes. There are women working in STEM and they are damn proud of how they got there. Listen to our own Charlie contributor Michelle Curry, where she talks about her experiences in the field of STEM and...

NAIDOC Because of her, we can

It’s that time of year again to celebrate NAIDOC Week! In 2018, we recognise all the incredible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who have made significant contributions in shaping our communities #becauseofherwecan. To celebrate, CSU...

What I learnt from women in Theatre Media

The School of Communications and Creative Industries held the first ever Women of Theatre Media forum recently in Bathurst, to celebrate and discuss the industry and give students access to the experience and insight of a panel of eight successful...

two-thirds of our online students are women

Study boosts women’s success in the workforce

It’s a very old-fashioned and conservative idea for women to be more the type to stay at home, look after the children and do the housework while the husbands or partners bring home the bacon. It’s becoming increasingly common for women...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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