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Tag: student voice

Beating the social stigma

Have you received negative feedback or questions about your study path? Don't worry, you're not the only one! Listen to Dianne's story, you might be able to resonate with this one.

Why you should become the next Charlie Editor

Our current Editor is graduating! We need a new Charlie Editor and that could be you! If you love all things #UniLife and want to share student stories that will help others have the best uni experience possible... this might just be your vibe. We...

Meet Charlie contributor, Ada Crain

Written by Ada Crain Hello! My name is Ada Crain and I am an 18 year old Bachelor of Animal Science student based in Wagga Wagga. Growing up I am originally from Tooma, about a 2 hour drive from Wagga Wagga. I doubt that anyone actually knows where...

Have your say! Share your experience of studying at Charles Sturt

Make your Student Voice heard

Share your experiences of what it’s like to study at Charles Sturt University. Charles Sturt is launching a new Student Voice survey in 2020, and we’ll all get to have our say. This survey is all about getting feedback on non-teaching aspects of our...

How important is your Student Voice?

How important is your Student Voice?

The start of a new academic year prompts me to once again start chatting about the importance of the Student Voice at Charles Sturt University. Although I could talk about this topic for hours I thought you might like to hear from someone else as...

Charles Sturt University Student Leadership Conference

Be loud, be proud – be the Student Voice

During 2015, several students including myself, started to wonder about how we could help improve the student leadership experience at CSU. This led to the establishment of a Student Voice think-tank with key people at CSU including presidents of...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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