There's way more to uni than just assignments and exams; introducing Uni Nationals. Molly tells you about her incredible experience competing for Charles Sturt University and why you should take the chance to "compete, connect and create memories"!
Written by Tahlia Tranter Coming to uni was always something I intended on doing. When I finished year 12, I knew exactly where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do – so I thought. A few months after I completed high school, the fantasy of...
Are you a commencing Session 3 student or a student who is continuing their studies in Session 3? We have got an opportunity for you. The Social Club is offering events for all Charles Sturt students to attend and participate in! Orientation Week is...
It’s important to remember that lectures and assessments aren’t the only aspects of uni life. Being social is also super important. Whether you are studying online or on campus, there are plenty of ways to meet people! Facebook groups...
Whether you’re studying part-time, fulltime or online, scheduling university study in with the rest of life makes for a busy routine. So the thought of throwing a job in the mix can often seem like a bit too much. But having a part-time job while at...
by Andrew Hogan If you have ever uttered a phrase similar to “ugghh, I hate people”, this guide is for you. If you’re a functional, self-confident person and think the idea of a good time is being around lots of people all doing...
I grew up in a small country town called Grenfell so when I moved to Bathurst to study at CSU, I thought I had moved to a town that had everything! But this wasn’t quite the case for some of my friends who moved from Sydney and other cities across...