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Tag: relationships

Managing Long Distance Relationships while Studying 

Maddi chose uni purely for the pursuit for education, opportunity, and her future. BUT this meant moving away from the person she loves. Can she squeeze in time between her uni and social life for her partner of 5 years? OF COURSE and Maddi provides...

Why I wanted to leave uni and why I’m glad I didn’t

Why I wanted to leave uni and why I’m glad I didn’t

2016 has been one of the hardest years of my life. Between my family, work, my boyfriend moving away, and uni (who knew that three English subjects would equal a lot of reading), my plate was pretty full. I was stressed and busy, but coping. I...

What A Long Distance Relationship Taught Me About Love

What A Long Distance Relationship Taught Me About Love

A couple of weeks ago, my boyfriend packed up his stuff, emptied out his drawer in my dresser, and left for his new home in another state. Although this wasn’t the first time we’d spent more than a few days apart, the past few months had...

CSU’s Wellness and Wellbeing Expo is nearly here!

CSU’s Wellness and Wellbeing Expo is nearly here!

The 2016 Wellness and Wellbeing Expo starts this week. Coming to a campus near you, the expo includes loads of great information, freebies and demonstrations that can help you improve your finances, relationships and nutrition, or develop strategies...

What You Need to Know About Starting Uni in a Relationship

Everyone knows the stereotype. Uni is the place to explore, to have adventures, to experiment. Every TV show and movie is overrun with wild tertiary students, finding their freedom and making out with strangers at parties. And although this may be...

female and male studying together

Babes vs Books: Balancing Study and Relationships

Uni is a time of making new friends, building new relationships, and – of course – getting busy. It’s pretty normal to want to explore romantic relationships in an adult context during your uni years. There are loads of hot and...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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