Each campus has its own set of Student Clubs that bring students together and connect them in unique, interesting and important ways. Student Clubs also provide leadership and professional skill development opportunities.
Have you got some insights to share about your experiences as a university student? Could you use an extra $1,000 in your pocket? Then check your inbox for your invitation to participate in the nationwide Student Experience Survey! If you’re...
More top tips from the Academic Skills team
Share your experiences of what it’s like to study at Charles Sturt University. Charles Sturt is launching a new Student Voice survey in 2020, and we’ll all get to have our say. This survey is all about getting feedback on non-teaching aspects of our...
There is a new CSU homepage coming with many new perks and features. Get a sneak peek here and tell us what you think! The CSU homepage is being improved, keeping up with the rest of the CSU online environment. Key improvements have been based on...
We need your help to make the Student Portal better! Your Student Portal is more than just a place to find out about course progression and submit assignments. It’s where you can connect with staff, your fellow students and a host of services...
Did you know there’s a handy little app, full of CSU information that you can access from your smart phone or tablet? That’s right, the CSU Mobile App is the quick and easy way to access all things CSU, right at your fingertips.
Remember that event last month where everyone had to wear red? You may have noticed a sea of red on social media and wondered ‘what’s going on’?! You might have watched the action unfold on CSU’s new Snapchat account (CharlesSturtUni) OR maybe you...
As you return to study in Session 2 you will have noticed the following changes to student.csu; a new homepage layout, customisable widgets, updated content and fresh page designs. The Student Portal is a new-look online space for you to organise...