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Tag: Community

Daniel Steinbeck as part of Student Heart Project

A lot of heart to give

As co-creator of a student-led team called the Student Heart Project, Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedic) student Daniel Steinbeck is saving lives. The Student Heart Project involves students and staff from CSU’s Port Macquarie Campus...

electric cart on campus at CSU

Crow Award for the CSU environment

CSU has again been recognised for its efforts to help the environment by winning a regional award for excellence in sustainability. The Wagga Wagga Business Chamber’s annual Crow Award for Excellence in Sustainability was awarded to CSU for its...

CSU Sport Grand Final Wrap

It’s grand final time across the country and a number of CSU sporting teams have fought their way to the top competing in grand final events over the weekend. Getting to the top is no mean feat, so we spoke to Francesca Van Blerk, member of the...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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