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What I Do Working At Student Central

What I Do Working At Student Central


Want a flexible job that understands the challenges of being a student? Where better than Student Central! Grace fills you in on what she does working at Student Central for Charles Sturt and why she loves the job!

Written by Grace Doyle

My name is Grace and I am studying a Bachelor of Education with Charles Sturt University.

Over the years, I have had many jobs including bartending, swim coaching and lifeguarding. However, my role with Student Central has been one of the most satisfying and interesting jobs I have ever had.

I was first introduced to Student Central when the university accepted my offer for my degree. I received a welcome call from the outreach team, and for the first time, I felt like a university student.

However, it was not until my third year of study that I became aware of a working opportunity with Student Central.

My friends who had experience working for Student Central all provided positive feedback, advising that the workplace was flexible in terms of hours and compassionate during stressful study periods.

I, like many students, can testify to the importance of a flexible and compassionate workplace whilst studying full-time.

I applied for a role via the uni residence pages, progressed through the interview process and began my first training week in June, 2023.

Whilst the training was quite intensive, the trainees were amazing and provided plenty of information that was easy to understand. From conversation frameworks to responding to student enquiries, I felt ready to go after the first week.

After starting on emails, I moved my way up to phone calls which took a little longer thanks to a slip-up with a broken arm (cheers rugby). Now, I am a committed member of the Outreach team.

In this role, you have many responsibilities. I help students with various enquiries via email, phone, online chats and face-to-face. This process – no matter the format – is like solving a puzzle and I enjoy this greatly.

The most satisfying part of my job is when I resolve an issue for a student and they provide me with positive feedback. This positive reinforcement drives my enthusiasm to work with Student Central.

Student Central is an interesting space because student casuals work closely with professional employees.

Our team has an amazing coaching program where all employees have regular sessions with an SSO to develop skills and check in on our well-being.

My SSO is very understanding of my uni timetable and the stress that comes with assessments and exam periods. The coaching sessions have been a positive experience and assisted with the transition from casual work to professional employment.

This role has been beneficial as I have gained extensive knowledge about university operations and services. I have become the go-to person for my friends with uni related questions, but I always lead them back to Student Central.

Furthermore, this job has helped me develop my professional communication, problem-solving, and ability to de-escalate stressful situations. These skills will assist me as I embark on a future career in teaching.

Working at Student Central has been a rewarding experience that has equipped me with valuable skills and a deeper understanding of university operations.

It is a flexible job that understands the unique challenges of being a student and I would highly recommend this role to current and future students.

If you’re interested in working at Student Central, forward your resume to Georgia:

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