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5 ways you can help this Plastic Free July

5 ways you can help this Plastic Free July

Written by Meg Seis - Sustainability Student Adviser


We are constantly hearing about pollution in the ocean and how detrimental the effects of plastic in our oceans, thousands of marine animals every year caught up and killed in plastics.

We are constantly hearing about pollution in the ocean and how detrimental the effects of plastic in our oceans, thousands of marine animals every year caught up and killed in plastics.

There are always people giving a fact about plastics, whether it’s how long it takes to decompose or how full our landfill is with plastics.

Plastics are everywhere, it seems we can’t get away from them. In our groceries, in our homes, in the office or at school. Do you ever sit and wonder what you can do to help be part of the solution?

This month I will be focusing on remembering my reusable bags at grocery stores, using reusable steel water bottle, and using more beeswax wraps and other reusable containers instead of plastic or cling wraps.

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. This allows us to have cleaner streets, oceans, and more beautiful communities.

This is a challenge that focuses around reducing single use plastic usage that is inevitably wasted in homes, work, schools, cafes, etc. By taking part, you can reshape habits and contribute your part towards a plastic free future. This is a challenge run by an organisation passionate about the cause and helps guide you the whole way to be successful in the movement.

5 ways we can reduce our plastic usage this July:

  1. Sign up for Plastic Free July to get more information and be guided the whole way on things you can do at home and at work to be more plastic free. Take the first step by taking the Pesky Plastics Quiz. This allows you to identify any plastics sneaking into your household to help you eliminate some of them.
  2. Use alternatives to plastic when at Food Bowl or Pulse café – always have your keep cup handy so you never have to use a disposable coffee cup. This will also save you money as there is a discount if you have a reusable cup
  3. Remember your reusable shopping bags when doing groceries – this will help reduce your use of single use plastic bags and save money as most grocery stores now charge 15c for plastic bags
  4. Invest in beeswax wraps and reusable containers rather than glad wrap and plastic bags for leftovers and open food in the fridge. This will reduce the single use plastic building up in the fridge and will also keep your food fresher for longer for a win win!
  5. Reduce your plastic use at the office or while studying. Before maxing the credit card on Officework supplies in preparation for the next study semester, take a stock take of what you actually used and reassess what you think you will use in the term ahead. This will help save money as well and reduce the office clutter and wastage.

These are just 5 small things everyone can do to be more conscious of their single use plastic consumption this July and into the future. Become part of the Plastic Free July movement and get involved!


Written by Meg Seis - Sustainability Student Adviser

This is an SSAF funded initiative
Write for Charlie Graphic