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12 warm winter snacks to keep you healthy

12 warm winter snacks to keep you healthy

906837398 clean food, concept, cut, dairy, diet, eat, floral, fresh, half, healthy, nut, nutrition, oats, orange, passionfruit, raw, sour, sweet, tasty, tropical, vegetarian, wooden table Granola yogurt with passionfruit and fig in jar for healthy breakfast or clean food concept.

When the temperature drops it is all too tempting to opt for drive-through over super healthy snack options. But I’ve found twelve snack ideas that are low in cost, high in flavour and quick to throw together. So, now you can snack on healthy goodness even on the coldest of days!

  1. Warm blueberry muffins – a whole week of breakfasts and snacks sorted!
    Ingredients: vanilla cake mix + frozen blueberries.
    Prep time: 5 minutes
    Cooking time: 20 minutes
  2. Ginger tea – stay hydrated and energised all day!
    Ingredients: peel a wedge of fresh ginger + boiling water in a flask
  3. Cheese on toast and tomato soup – pure comfort food, minimal effort and the perfect solution for the ‘I missed lunch scenario.’
  4. Popcorn – filling and the perfect student fare!
    Topping: glam it up with honey, butter and sea salt
  5. Crumpets – it’s good for breakfast and even better on a rainy winter afternoon!
    Topping: honey
  6. Toasty creations – a pleasing juxtaposition of sweet and savoury and oh-so-good paired with an afternoon coffee
    Topping: peanut butter and chocolate spread (or melted dark chocolate)
  7. Fruit toasty
    Topping: European cottage cheese or ricotta + drizzled with honey
  8. Premium hot chocolate – yes, it is more effort, but is perfect for a special dessert!
    Ingredients: warm milk + melted dark chocolate + cinnamon + nutmeg + marshmallows + grated chocolate
    Cooking: made on the stove top
  9. Pear or apple cooked in a little butter
    Ingredients: slice pear or apple + butter + sprinkle cinnamon or a smidge of brown sugar + custard or Greek yoghurt
  10. Oats – if you buy the kind that are not individually portioned you are helping out your hip pocket and the environment
    Topping: sultanas, nuts and cooked fruit to naturally flavour your oats and skip the sugar
  11. Steamed Edamame – Japanese favourite, these tasty green beans, are a perfect with-a- beverage snack and can now be found in most supermarket freezer sections
  12. Oven roasted potatoes – sweet or regular!
    Topping: guacamole (double points if you make it yourself) for a warming savoury snack.
This is an SSAF funded initiative
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